So…let’s get down to it. This is my first ever blog post and I'm not going to lie - I'm both scared and excited. I can’t believe that I’ve finally published my first book. Scrap that. I can’t believe that I’ve finally published my first two books. Yep. That’s right. The first two books (Awakening and Possession) in The VIth Element Series are now out there - gone - ready for readers to devour. My brain is in shock. My heart is beating a million beats per second. The adrenaline is racing through my veins.
Ok breathe. Just breathe. My mother doesn’t want me to hyperventilate on her, as she’s sitting in the lounge, watching her beloved crime dramas. It’s just that all the emotions I’m feeling right now are overwhelming. Nerves are mixed with happiness, relief and a sense of achievement.
It’s as if I’m one, big emotional balloon, ready to go POP!
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has gotten this emotional over publishing for the first time. After all, people all over the world are publishing writing of all styles and genres every second of every day. And yet, until you press that ‘publish’ button and see your book listed, ready for readers to buy, realisation doesn’t quite catch up with you. That’s the moment when you acknowledge that your dream is now a reality.
What will people think?
What will people say?
Will they like my book?
Will they want to throw it in the sea, ready to be devoured by hungry sharks and goodness knows what else is lurking in the depths of the ocean, not yet discovered?
You get the idea.
A zillion (I like exaggerating) thoughts race through your head, all fighting to be recognised and to claim top spot. Right now, for me, the main thought is: I’ve done it! Yes. I’ve done it. I’ve pressed that button and, from this date onwards, I’ll be a published author.
Now though, after crossing that hurdle, comes the next tricky stage - world domination.
Hey? We’ve all got to dream big…right?
Click this link for more information: