So...I couldn't stay away for too long. After revealing the gorgeous fifth cover designed by yours truly (you know I'm so modest) I had to give you further insight into my writing progress.
As you are probably aware, the past few months have been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. So much has happened in my life outside of writing, which has meant that I haven't been as active as an author both on social media and with my novels. However, as we are fast approaching the end of 2018, my aim is to get back onto the saddle - starting with finishing Fallen.

You will be pleased to hear that I am well on the way to completing this novel. I just need to get to the point when I can write THE END and revise the entire book checking all the lovely things like formatting and grammar. On that note, as a way of saying THANK YOU for your patience and support, please check out my BLOG on NEW YEARS DAY as I will be teasing you with BLURB of FALLEN.
Love Adele Rose XX